If you
receive a Federal pension and are also eligible for Social Security benefits
based on your own employment record, a different formula may be used to compute
your Social Security benefit. This formula will result in a lower benefit. The
Windfall Elimination Provision affects workers who reach age 62 or become
disabled after 1985 and are first eligible after 1985 for a Federal pension.
The Windfall Elimination Provision does not apply if:
◦ You were eligible to retire before
January 1, 1986; or,
◦ You were first employed by the
government after December 31, 1983; or,
◦ You have 30 or more years of
substantial earnings under Social Security.
At your
request, using the form SSA-7004, the Social Security Administration will send
you a Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement (PEBES) that will list your
earnings from employment covered by Social Security and provide a Social Security
benefit estimate assuming retirement at alternative ages, 62, 65, and 70. You
should contact your local Social Security
office to determine the effect of the Government Pension Offset and the
Windfall Elimination Provision on your Social Security benefits.
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