Distribution According to the TSP Designation of Beneficiary
Did you know
that when you die, the TSP will not honor a will when distributing your
account? Neither will it honor a prenuptial agreement, a separation agreement,
a property settlement agreement, a court order, or a trust document.
The only
document the TSP will use to distribute death benefits is Form TSP-3
, Designation of Beneficiary (formerly TSP-U-3 for
uniformed services members). By law, the TSP must pay your properly designated
beneficiary, or beneficiaries, under all circumstances.
Distribution According to the Statutory Order of Precedence
If you do
not have a Designation of Beneficiary form on file with the TSP, your money
will be distributed according to the following order of precedence required by
◦ To your spouse;
◦ If none, to your child or children
equally, and to the descendants of deceased children;
◦ If none, to your parents equally or
your surviving parent;
◦ If none, to your appointed executor or
administrator of your estate;
◦ If none, to your next of kin who is
entitled to your estate under the laws of the state in which you resided at the
time of your death.
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