is the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS)?
Federal employees hired before January 1, 1984, were
automatically covered by CSRS, which was created in 1920. CSRS covered most
federal employees until the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) was
enacted. Today, most federal workers are covered by FERS, in part because
federal workers who were covered by CSRS had the chance to transfer to FERS
during a 1987 transfer period. Like employees covered by FERS, CSRS employees
may be eligible for retirement and disability benefits, and if they die, their
survivors may be eligible for survivor annuities or lump-sum death benefits.
CSRS employees are also entitled to contribute to the Thrift Savings Plan on a
limited basis.
How is
CSRS funded?
CSRS is funded by contributions from both the employee
and the federal government. Most employees contribute 7 percent of their basic
pay (members of Congress, Congressional employees, law enforcement officers,
certain air traffic controllers, and firefighters may have different
contribution percentages). The government agency for which they work matches
those contributions. Additional funds for the program come from the General
benefits under CSRS
To be eligible to receive a CSRS retirement annuity, you
must have worked for the federal government as a civilian for at least five
full years. In addition, you must have been employed under CSRS for at least
one year out of the last two years before you retired or separated from
government service, unless you are retiring on disability.
If you retire or separate from government service, you
may be entitled to receive an immediate annuity by meeting certain age and
length-of-service requirements. You will receive your first annuity payment on
the first day of the month following the month you stopped working. For
instance, if you retire on any day during September, your annuity will begin on
October 1. The following table outlines age and length-of-service requirements
for immediate annuities:
Type of Retirement
Minimum Age
Minimum Years of Service
62 60 55
5 20 30
Special optional (law enforcement officers and firefighters)
Special optional (air traffic controllers)
50 Any age
20 25
Early optional (agency reduction in force, reorganization,
transfer of function)
50* Any age*
20 25
Discontinued service (involuntary separation)
50* Any age*
20 25
Any age
*Annuity reduced if under age 55 and separated
involuntarily. The annuity is reduced by one-sixth of 1 percent for each full
month the employee is under age 55 (2 percent per year).
If you leave federal employment and are not yet eligible
for an immediate annuity, you have two choices: You can withdraw your
contributions to CSRS, or you can leave the money in the system. If you've
completed at least five years of civilian service and you leave your money in
the system, you will be entitled to receive a deferred annuity at age 62.
Caution: Before
choosing to leave your money in the system, however, determine if the CSRS
annuity you receive will affect your future Social Security benefit. If you
will be entitled to a Social Security retirement benefit because you worked in
a job where you paid Social Security taxes, your CSRS pension may affect how
your Social Security retirement benefit is calculated. In addition, if you
receive a government pension and you also receive a spousal Social Security
retirement or survivor's benefit, your Social Security benefit may be reduced.
Form of Annuity
If you are retired and have a life-threatening illness
or medical condition, you may be able to receive a reduced monthly benefit plus
a lump-sum payment of your unrefunded contributions to the retirement fund in
lieu of a regular retirement annuity. For more information, check with the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Caution: You
can't be retired under disability rules or have a former spouse entitled to
court-ordered benefits, and you must have your spouse's consent to elect an
Alternative Form of Annuity.
of retirement annuities
At the time you retire, you can elect to receive your
annuity in one of three ways:
· Payment
of an annuity to you for life
· Payment
of an annuity to you for life, with a survivor annuity payable to your spouse
for life after you die
· Payment
of an annuity to you for life, with an insurable interest annuity paid to your
beneficiary after you die
Tip: A
fourth way, a lump-sum option, is currently available only to individuals who
can elect an Alternative Form of Annuity. Prior to October 1, 1994, workers who
were involuntarily separated could receive a lump-sum payment for contributions
made to the CSRS system. To elect an Alternative Form of Annuity, you must have
a serious medical condition or life-threatening illness.
Your retirement annuity is computed based on your length
of creditable service and your
high-3 average
pay . The annuity is computed by adding:
· 1.5
percent of your high-3 average pay
· multiplied
by service up to 5 years
· plus
1.75 percent of your high-3 average pay
· multiplied
by years of service over 5 and up to 10
· plus 2
percent of your high-3 average pay
· multiplied
by years of service over 10
Example(s): Bonita's
high-3 average pay is calculated to be $20,000. She worked for the government
for 30 years, so her annuity is calculated as follows:
1.5% x $20,000 x 5 years
$ 1,500
1.75% x $20,000 x 5 years
$ 1,750
2% x $20,000 x 20 years
$ 8,000
If your high-3 average pay is under $5,000, however, you
can choose to calculate your basic annuity by an alternative method. For
details, check with a benefits advisor through OPM. Your benefit will be
reduced if you retire before age 55 (unless you retire for disability or under
special provisions affecting law enforcement officers, air traffic controllers,
and firefighters) or if you provide an annuity for a survivor. Other reductions
apply as well that pertain to deposits prior to October 1, 1982, and redeposits
of refunds for periods of service ending before October 1, 1990. A few CSRS
employees are also covered by Social Security and are known as CSRS offset
employees. If you are one of these employees, your CSRS annuity payment will be
reduced when you become eligible for Social Security. Survivor annuities will
be similarly reduced.
benefits under CSRS
If you die while you are actively employed by the
federal government after 18 months of civilian service, your spouse will be
entitled to an annuity if you were married for at least 9 months. However, if
your death was accidental or if there is a child of the marriage, the 9-month
rule does not apply.
If you die while actively employed by the federal
government but before you have worked 18 months, or you have no widow, former
spouse, or children who are eligible for a survivor annuity, your named
beneficiary will receive a lump-sum payment equal to your contribution to CSRS,
plus any accrued interest. (No interest is payable if you paid into CSRS for
less than one year.)
· If you
die before retirement from service--Your spouse will be entitled to receive 55
percent of the basic annuity you had earned at the time of your death or, if it
will result in a higher benefit, 55 percent of the guaranteed minimum benefit.
· If you
die after retirement from service--If you are married, your retirement annuity
will automatically be reduced to include a survivor annuity for your spouse
unless you and your spouse waive this in writing. Your annuity will be reduced
by 2.5 percent of the first $3,600, plus 10 percent of the annuity over $3,600.
Your spouse will usually receive this annuity until he or she dies or remarries
(prior to age 55). You can elect to provide your spouse either a full survivor
annuity or, if your spouse consents, a reduced survivor annuity. Your spouse
will receive 55 percent of the annuity you were receiving.
Example(s): Evelyn
retired from government service and began receiving an immediate annuity but
reduced to provide a survivor annuity for her husband. Her annuity of $1,926
was reduced to $1,878, which she received monthly for five years. When she
died, her husband began receiving a monthly annuity equal to 55 percent of
Evelyn's unreduced annuity, or $1,059.
spouse's benefit
If you were divorced after May 6, 1985, your former
spouse may receive all or part of your survivor annuity by court order. Or, if
your current spouse agrees to it, you can elect a survivor annuity for your
former spouse when you retire.
If you die while employed by the federal government,
your unmarried children under 18 (22, if in school full-time) will receive an
annuity. A child over age 18 who is disabled will also receive an annuity if
the child's disability began before age 18 and if the child is dependent on you
for support.
insurable interest benefit
You can also elect to reduce your retirement annuity to
provide a survivor annuity to a person who has an insurable interest in you.
This might be someone who depends on your income, such as a dependent parent.
You might also elect to provide an insurable interest annuity to your current
spouse if he or she is ineligible to receive an annuity because your former
spouse has a right to a court-ordered survivor annuity. To provide an insurable
interest annuity, your annuity would be reduced between 10 percent and 40
percent, depending on the difference in age between you and the beneficiary
Caution: You
must be in reasonably good health and not retiring as a result of disability to
provide an insurable interest survivor annuity. This annuity can be elected in
addition to a regular survivor annuity.
benefits under CSRS
If you have completed at least five years of service
under CSRS, you may receive disability retirement benefits if you suffer an
injury or disease and are unable to perform useful and efficient service in
your current position. In addition, you must not decline any alternative
positions offered to you for which you are qualified, which are at the same
grade or pay level and within the same agency and commuting area.
Caution: You
must file for disability benefits before separation from service or within one
year of separation. This may be waived if you are found to be mentally
incompetent to file within that time limit.
The annuity payable to you for disability will usually
be either 40 percent of your high-3 average pay or your regular annuity after
increasing your service by the number of years between your retirement and your
60th birthday. You will receive the smaller of the two amounts. This guaranteed
minimum only applies, however, if you are under age 60 when you retire and your
earned annuity that is based on actual service is less than this minimum. At
age 60 or above, your disability annuity will equal your actual earned annuity.
Caution: Special
rules affect individuals receiving military retired pay from the Veterans Administration.
Contact the Office of Personnel Management for more information.
& Answers
you receive both a retirement annuity under CSRS and a Social Security
survivor's benefit based on your spouse's earnings?
Yes. If your spouse paid Social Security taxes and is
entitled to Social Security benefits, you may be entitled to a Social Security
survivor's benefit. However, because you also receive a retirement annuity
under CSRS, the amount of Social Security survivor's benefit you receive may be
reduced. This reduction, known as the government pension offset, will reduce
your Social Security benefits by two-thirds of the amount of your government
pension. So, for instance, if you receive $600 a month from your CSRS annuity
and would normally be entitled to a $500 benefit from Social Security, your
Social Security benefit will be reduced by $400, two-thirds of the amount of
your government pension. Thus, you will end up receiving a $600 monthly annuity
payment from CSRS but only $100 from Social Security. Some government pension
benefits do not trigger the government pension offset. For more information,
see Social Security Administration Publication 05-10007.
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